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About me

It all started with my passion for analog printmaking and at the same time the fascination for Virtual Reality as a new technology medium. I decided to combine the two and started working on this prototype in my spare time to make a photo lab/darkroom simulator to be able to show other people how analog printmaking was done in the era before photoshop

I had a chance to present it at the art exhibition dotLand II in Berlin/Germany for the first time in October 2018 and gave a talk at the Creative Tech Night at VRHQ in December 2018 in Hamburg/Germany (see my Instagram for some pictures from both events). It was a bit quiet since, but I intend to change this now in 2024. Tech is better than ever, I know more, still super passionate about this baby of mine and so are many of you – thanks for getting in touch.

I am always looking for people from all backgrounds who are willing to try out a rough prototype and give valuable feedback. Please contact me if you would like to be considered for playtesting or just want to say hi or ask questions.

I will use this website to share a bit about my process and analog printmaking in general.

Here is my personal website:



I own this headset:

6 + 9 =