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2D Version & Beta Testing

It has been a bit quiet in the last few months as I was swamped (or let’s call it distracted) with paid work. However, this project is still very close to my heart and since these strange times allow for a bit more free time, I will use the next couple of months to push this further and start beta testing soon! If you are interested in this, please contact me! Would love to hear from you.

I also had a few photography teachers asking me recently about a possible 2D version of this app that they could use now that all real darkrooms are closed for their students. I’m super excited to announce that I am starting a collaboration with one of them at the moment to explore this idea – I’ll share some more details at a later date.

Anyway, thanks for the continuous interest in this baby of mine and stay healthy out there!

Talk & Exhibition: Creative Tech Nights, VRHQ Hamburg – December 12, 2018


In December 2018 I got approached by the people of the Creative Tech Nights – a crossover event held at the VRHQ in Hamburg organized by the nextReality.Hamburg e.V., the Unreal Engine Meetup as well as the Animators Association to show my project and hold a presentation about the process and the technical challenges I encountered along the way.

I had a blast to talk about this project in front of such a great and diverse crowd and to have another chance to let people try it out themselves and see what they think. Thanks again to everyone who approached me afterward with all those kind and encouraging words and helpful suggestions and constructive criticism.

Can’t wait to do this again!

More information about the event:

Some impressions:

Exhibition: DOTLAND II – October 06, 2018


dotLand 2 had really been a milestone for this project and I would not be where I am today without this event.

At a very early stage in my project, I got asked by my former colleague and CG/VFX artist Cristiano Cesolari if I would like to show this project at dotLand 2 – an international art exhibition curated by a group of Italian artists in Berlin that he is a part of. Without knowing that I would not sleep much in the weeks lining up to the event, I said yes. Having this date marked on my calendar was a bit nerve-wracking at times, but proved to be a godsend – something to work towards and focus on.

The event itself went great – I had a massive crowd around me most of the time, people really loved the absurdity of the project and I demoed it until 1 am when I had to surrender to the bass from the party going on right next to me. It was fantastic to speak about this project for the first time with so many people from diverse backgrounds and see them do unexpected things I had not anticipated yet. It encouraged me to continue working on it and made me realize I was on the right track.

More information about the event: